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Where are we headed in our lives ...

Where are we headed in our lives, is what I wake up pondering everyday. As intense as it may seem, truly its the reality we live in. The fact of the matter is , We are alive, and we have no way of knowing how long. This compelled me to realize early in life, our mortality and that life itself is too short to waste. Even for my great grandmother who lived until she turned 102 years old. That to me still seems too short. The fury I sense we all house in our hearts is meant to be shared. The passion expressed, and the answer to my initial inquiry... "where are we headed" answered on a daily basis. We owe it to ourselves to be free, fully expressed and enjoy this beautiful life the universe has gifted us for an unknown amount of time! 

Through this realization , This is how I began dedicating my life to coaching. Coaching is a way of choosing your path, your life, your happiness consciously and grow emotionally, rather than wait for a traumatic experience to hit you and then decide to focus on what really matters to you before leaving this earth. 

Waking up and appreciating, cherishing the good the hard and the surprising in our lives. Learning to navigate through difficult emotions, and how to stand in our own integrity of what we value no matter the circumstance we find ourselves today.  

With love and fury, this is the beginning of humanities emotional revolution . 2017